Are you plugs fouling or spark plugs not getting spark? It could very well be your coil, when performing a tune-up it's always a good measure to check your coil and insure proper spark. • Fits 9/1971 - 9/1977 FJ40/45, FJ55 • Use with external resistor. The resistor is used in points type distributor/coil systems to limit the current through the points when the engine is running. Make sure to identify whether you will need a resistor on your ignition system or not.
Are you plugs fouling or spark plugs not getting spark? It could very well be your coil, when performing a tune-up it's always a good measure to check your coil and insure proper spark. • Fits 9/1971 - 9/1977 FJ40/45, FJ55 • Use with external resistor. The resistor is used in points type distributor/coil systems to limit the current through the points when the engine is running. Make sure to identify whether you will need a resistor on your ignition system or not.